Students working with computers at the Autónoma University in Barcelona  © Jordi Pareto
Study in Spain Study in Spain

Universidad Camilo José Cela

Universidad Camilo José Cela

General information

Universidad Camilo José Cela -UCJC
Type of course:

Contact details

 Urb. Villafranca del Castillo. Castillo de Alarcón, 49 .
28692,  Villanueva de la Cañada.  Madrid.  
+34 918153131


Camilo José Cela University (Madrid), founded in the year 2000, is part of SEK Educational Group, an institution boasting a 120-year-old tradition in teaching.
Our academic offering rests on three tenets that are embedded in our DNA: an interdisciplinary approach, promoting the learning of different skills beyond the individual student's specialisation; innovation, challenging the traditional model committed to a new educational paradigm placing the student at the heart of their own learning process; and an international approach, developing students that are able to make their way in a global context.
UCJC has two learning spaces in Madrid. The Madrid-Villafranca Campus spans over 140,000 m2 and includes two international halls of residence and the UCJC Sports Club, a unique concept in sports clubs available to all its students. The Graduate School, located in a historic early 20th century building on Madrid'sCalle de Almagro, is located in the very heart of the city.