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'Sexenni' in Morella

'Sexenni' in Morella © Turespaña

'Sexenni' in Morella

'Sexenni' in Morella

Every six years, the town of Morella, in Alicante, celebrates its festival in honour of the Virgen de Vallivana.

The festival dates back to 1678 and some of the most moving moments are the descent of the Virgen de Vallivana from the shrine to the town of Morella, and the entrance into the walled town. The pilgrimage is the start of a festival that lasts several days, and the town is decked with tapestries and ornaments that the townspeople have made during the year. A different group marches down the streets every day (according to the guilds that existed when the festival began) with their traditional dances, and each group is in charge of organising the events for the day. The celebration concludes with a mass in memory of the deceased.

General information

To be confirmed   2018
National Tourist Interest

Contact details

 Morella.  Castellón - Castelló.  (Valencia).  
