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Study in Spain Study in Spain

Different ways of learning Spanish

Students which are consulting publications in Spanish © Instituto Cervantes

Different ways of learning Spanish

Students which are consulting publications in Spanish

Learning Spanish in Spain is the best way to approach a universal language that is spoken by more than 495 million people throughout the world. You will also discover a country with a vast cultural and artistic heritage, a country of endless traditions and with boundless vitality which is guaranteed to fascinate you from the very start. Every year thousands of people come to Spain, the cradle of the Spanish language, to learn the language or to improve their level. There are numerous different options: first-rate courses adapted to all requirements, university and post-graduate studies, paid work experience, living with families as an au-pair, and even working. All you have to do is choose which suits you.

Learn as you study

One of the best ways of studying and improving your level of Spanish is to attend one of the prestigious first-rate courses offered in Spain and adapted to all different levels. The duration of the courses also varies, from one-month intensive courses to others that last the whole academic year. However you choose to study, you learn the language along with other students and Spanish teachers and you will learn more about a country with a spectacular artistic and historical heritage, simultaneously steeped in tradition and yet modern and vibrant. Live alongside its people, share their customs and make the most of everything Spain has to offer.
You can also expand and improve your knowledge of the language whilst studying for your degree. There are many university courses on offer, especially post-graduate and masters courses, and all of them are of renowned international prestige. Thousands of foreign students come to Spain every year to study. Certain courses include internships, some of which are remunerated, allowing students to combine work experience and study. A number of grants, student aid packages and discounts are also available to make your stay in Spain easier. Consult us to find out what you have to do to begin studying in Spain, and don't worry about housing. The centres and universities will help you to settle in.

Learn Spanish while looking after children (au-pair)

An excellent opportunity for learning and practicing Spanish is by working as an au-pair, living for a period of time with a Spanish family. Many young people, generally between the ages of 17 and 30, come to Spain every year hoping to study Spanish while looking after the younger members of a family.
There are many different au-pair agencies in Spain. All you have to do is get in touch with the agencies in your own country and say that you wish to live and work in Spain.

Learn while you’re working

Have you ever thought of learning Spanish while working for a few months in Spain? It is possible to work part-time and have the rest of the day free for studying Spanish. Besides attending classes, you can join one of the work programmes established between various companies and universities. The best approach is to request the necessary information first from the administrative departments of the different centres where there are employment lists and the possibility of paid internships. You will also be told whether or not you need a visa and how to get one if you do.
Learning Spanish to a high level will allow you to become acquainted with a new culture and lead to a better understanding of Spain's extensive artistic and historic heritage. Whatever your choice, find out in your own country what you need to study in Spain by going to the Spanish Embassy or to any of the offices of Turespaña. There are endless reasons for choosing Spain as the perfect place to learn Spanish. Everyone agrees: studying in Spain is a unique and unrepeatable experience.
Why not give it a try?