Este sitio web utiliza cookies para asegurar la mejor experiencia de usuario y realizar estadísticas anónimas de uso de la web con el objetivo de conocer a nuestros visitantes y los contenidos que más les interesan. Si continuas navegando, consideramos que acepta su uso. Puedes obtener más información, o bien conocer cómo cambiar la configuración, en nuestra política de cookies.

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Use of cookies

What are they?
Cookies are tiny files saved in a computer and designed to store small amounts of data. These data are used to track information on your visits to and between websites.
Cookies have existed for a number of years, and are very widespread. You may already have cookies activated in your computer. Don't worry. Cookies won't damage your computer, and Study in Spain does not store any item of information that can identify you personally –such as your credit card details– in the cookies it creates. We use cookies to store encrypted data to ensure your visit to our website is as comfortable and satisfactory as possible.
Because of the essential information they contain, cookies allow us to determine the type of content that may interest you. As well as helping to adapt the experience offered by our website automatically and more accurately, cookies also help us to identify any error you might find.
Although Study in Spain maintains relations with other providers, we select these relations with a great deal of care, and monitor them constantly. These providers may also activate their own cookies during your visit, in order to show you a range of products or services based on what you appear to be looking for.
Why are we telling you this?
We're telling you this because there has just been a change in European Union legislation that affects all European websites, and we want to be clear and honest with you at all times with regard to your privacy when using our website. It's very important to us that you feel you can trust and have confidence in us. What's more, we're also devising a range of improvements relating to cookies and the privacy of our website.
If you want to block or restrict all cookies from Study in Spain, you can do so with your browser. Each one is different, so you'll need to consult the Help section of your browser to see how to change your preferences for cookies. We use cookies in:
Authentication cookies to verify users and to enable correct interaction with the site.
Cookies for favourites, which require interaction with the user for storage and private organisation.
How to manage cookies
If you wish to deactivate cookies in your browser, you can set the browser as you like using the menu bar. You should be aware that if you don't have cookies activated in your computer, you won't be able to customise and improve the service we offer you.
Third-party cookies
When you visit the Study in Spain websites, you may be aware that some of the cookies are not related to Study in Spain. When you visit one of our pages with embedded content –for example, if you want to see a video lodged in YouTube– you may be sent cookies from these other websites. We have no control at all over the configuration of these cookies. If you're worried about cookies, the best idea is to check the third-party websites to obtain more information on their cookies and how to manage them.