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Open book
Study in Spain Study in Spain

Club de Español, Spanish as a Foreign Language

Club de Español, Spanish as a Foreign Language
Accredited Center of the Instituto Cervantes

Practical information

Type of centre:


Type of building:
Detached building

No. of students from previous year:

Contact details

 C/ Monte Esquinza 26-28 28010 Madrid.
+ 34 91 702 17 47/319 10 75

+ 34 91 319 21 31




Student satisfaction questionnaire, Free telephone information service, Airport transfers, Accommodation search, Exchange with Spanish students, Excursions, Cultural Visits, Additional medical insurance, Postal mail reception, Fax reception, Wi-Fi access, Internet access, Film shows

General facilities:

Library, Teachers common room, Self-study room, TV for classroom use, DVD player for classroom use, CD player for classroom use, Salón de actos


Soft drinks vending machines, Food vending machines, Wi-Fi access, Internet access, Students common area

Course Level Start date End date Favourite
Intensive 20 hours. Club de Español, Spanish as a Foreign Language - Madrid. A1 Beginner, A2 Beginner, B1 Intermediate, B2 High-intermediate, C1 Superior, C2 Superior Nov 01 Oct 28
DELE exam preparation. Club de Español, Spanish as a Foreign Language - Madrid. Jan 01 Dec 31
Spanish language and conversation (15 hours/week). Club de Español, Spanish as a Foreign Language - Madrid. A1 Beginner, A2 Beginner, B1 Intermediate, B2 High-intermediate, C1 Superior, C2 Superior Nov 01 Dec 28
Business Spanish. Club de Español, Spanish as a Foreign Language - Madrid. A1 Beginner, A2 Beginner, B1 Intermediate, B2 High-intermediate, C1 Superior, C2 Superior Nov 01 Dec 31